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“Michaela Spružinová's exhibition in showcases is, as the name suggests, a parody of the Hermés brand and their way of presenting products in shop windows. These are expensive installations by famous artists, in which the company's product is incorporated in the guise of the most contemporary theme. The story, which Míša deals with, points in a playful way to sex tourism, to situations from exotic brothels, or to the issue of sexual identity shaped by consumer culture. As products included in the installation, Míša presents her objects made of glass, banana boots, underwear and shoes, which can be perceived as attributes of pop culture.

Herpes, then, is a kind of metaphor for infection in a society that has become too superficial, soulless, and indifferent to fail to deal with the far-reaching nature of its actions.

     Míša has been focusing on the reflection of consumer society for a long time. He takes aim at the paradoxes of fashion trends, the ideal of beauty and flawlessness and their influence on crazy society.

     The Herpés exhibition also belongs to Míša's "MC Nagyi" project, in which he works with his own body, especially with those parts that enjoy the most attention when judging female beauty. He transforms these parts and shapes in it and brings them to extremes. This creates new stories about beauty brought ad absurdum. In these site-specific installations, it uses latex and glass as the material. Its raw material is recycled shards of glass, which it carefully assembles, thus creating unique molten sculptures in a demanding process. He plays with them with the similarity of banal objects and female curves. Míša presents an original author's manuscript in the field of glass, but also in other media, with which he expands this domain.” Text by curator Petra Filipovská

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